



Workshop on Accelerating Digital Transformation of KUMKM

Last Thursday, October 19, Vriana Indriasari as GM of Government and Institutional Cooperation of the Indonesian E-Commerce Association visited Makassar to attend the invitation to the KUMKM Digital Transformation Acceleration Workshop organized by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. This agenda is a form of support from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs for efforts to accelerate the transformation of the national digital economy with a target of achieving 24 million digital onboarding MSMEs by 2023, and 30 million digital onboarding MSMEs by 2024, as well as encouraging MSMEs in South Sulawesi Province to transform into Go-Digital MSMEs .

On this occasion, Vriana Indriasari presented material in a session entitled Digital Ecosystem for Improving MSME Performance, which was enthusiastically welcomed by the MSMEs present.