



idEA EUKM Webinar - Liquid Credit Without Worries

Every entrepreneur certainly has the desire to develop his business. Small and micro scale entrepreneurs are no exception. Unfortunately, this desire is often hit by limitations in terms of capital, starting from how to obtain safe capital to how to manage that capital later. Without sufficient education, business actors may take the wrong steps in wanting to quickly obtain capital, and instead fall into illegal loans with exorbitant interest rates.

For this reason, the Indonesian E-Commerce Association in collaboration with Bank BCA held an idEA EUKM Webinar entitled Liquid Credit Without Ketar-Ketir. As speakers, there were Yudha Setiawan as Founder of PT Lazizaa Rahmat Semesta who presented material about financial recording and calculating capital, and Suryawati Widjaja as Vice President of PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk who provided information about MSME Capital Credit from Bank BCA.

The idEA EUKM webinar which was held on 24 October also ended the idEA EUKM Webinar series in 2023. The hope is that this business development webinar series can be continued next year, and continue to provide benefits to business actors in the country.