



TechTalk # 4: E-commerce, Keeping Your Own Market

On Thursday, May 4, 2016, at The Habibie Center Building, a Public Discussion was held "TechTalk 4: E-Commerce, Keeping Your Own Market". Present as resource persons at the event Are Mr. Ilham A. Habibie (Chair of IDST - The Habibie Center, National ICT Council), Ms. Mira Tayyiba (Assistant Deputy of Regional Economic Competitiveness Improvement, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs), Mr.Achmad Zaky (CEO of and representing idEA, Mr. Jonathan Sofian Lusa (Board member of the membership and idEA organization) and present as moderator Mr. Estananto (Secretary IDST - The Habibie Center). The discussion went very smoothly and was attended by approximately 50 participants from various elements of society with diverse backgrounds ie government, Academics, students, media, researchers, social media activists, and the public.

The purpose of the discussion is to find a solution of the problem of e-commerce business of Indonesia, so it is expected in the future various opportunities owned by Indonesia in e-Commerce can be utilized optimally by the people of Indonesia. Thus the ideal of becoming "The Digital Energy of Asia" can be realized and provide benefits for the nation and state.

The discussion was opened by Mr. Ilham A. Habibie who gave his little insight into how technological progress has brought about changes in everyday life especially in terms of Shopping so that the birth of how to shop online ie e-commerce which is believed by him in the future will be an integral part of the very strong and important from the Indonesian economy, he also Conveyed of course these changes not only bring positive impacts but also the challenges that come from the conventional business. Mrs. Mira Tayyiba said that Indonesia Getting into the digital economy is not a trend anymore but a necessity. The government has drafted an e-commerce roadmap that contains 31 initiatives to address that challenge Comes from 7 pillar e-commerce so it is expected to create a conducive ecommerce ecosystem and provide great benefits for the people of Indonesia. Meanwhile, Mr. Jonathan Sofian Lusa conveys the importance of competent Indonesian e-commerce "talent pool" human resources which has been established since college with a tailored curriculum Industry in the field. Also present was Mr. Anang Fauzie from BNI who explained how and what the BNI program in contributing in the world of e-commerce Indonesia. Finally, Mr. Achmad Zaky Tells of the transformation especially in the field of funding which previously was dominated by sectors that have physical assets such as mining and oil are now replaced by companies - Digital technology companies. At the end of the presentation, he also reminded the forum that with all the trends and challenges that occur in the world of e-commerce today who should Most benefited from the local players, the government and of course the people of Indonesia.

Attending the event also Mr. Ashwin who is also the Board of Trustees idEA provide input for the Government's rules related to e-commerce industry can support each other grow Industrial development and in particular provides equal rights and duty treatment between local players and foreign players (equal playing field)