



Strategies for Addressing the Impact of COVID-19

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic had a huge impact on the Indonesian economy. Not only traveling, the public also limits consumption, which in turn affects the sale and purchase transactions on the market. Various elements affected. Call it a restaurant, market, shopping center, online transportation, to MSMEs.

Face-to-face restrictions make the internet the best choice for business to continue, even though it is no longer smooth before this pandemic "attacks". Then how to use the internet for MSMEs, as well as other businesses?

Take advantage of E-commerce and Social Media as the Main Channel of marketing
In the midst of this condition, e-commerce and social media become one way to promote a product or business that you have if you have not tried it. Begin actively telling products or businesses, giving promos, to asking friends for help to promote.

Re-plan Revenue
Revenue projections need to be adjusted. It must be more realistic to adjust to the current conditions where everything is tightly restricted.

Cut Costs
Re-examine all costs. Production, promotion and operational costs. Prune that is not really needed.

Pay Attention to Item Stocks
Stock items should not be excessive. Reduce stock of goods that would not last long. This will reduce your loss rate. Good luck!