



Online Store Socialization to Procurement Officers: Transactions at idEA Member Merchant

On Friday, September 9, 2022, the General Chairperson of idEA Bima Laga was present as a resource person at the Online Store Concept Socialization and E-Purchasing agenda with Online Store Community of Practices (COP) from various regions in Indonesia.

The Online Store itself is an application that is managed by LKPP in collaboration with the Trade Organizer Through the Electronic System (PPMSE) or the Online Marketplace. The application is used by Ministries/Institutions/Regional Apparatuses for the Direct Procurement of Domestic Product Goods/Services through Micro and Small Businesses by conducting transactions with a maximum value of two hundred million rupiah (Rp 200 million). The goods available at the Online Store are local goods or goods with a minimum TKDN of 25% and BMP of 40% in accordance with the provisions of LKPP.

To make transactions on the Bela Procurement Online Store platform, procurement officials need to first log in to the LPSE system with their respective accounts, and can select idEA member platforms that are already available on the BELA platform. To date, 18 idEA member companies have joined the Online Store.

Not only explaining about the Online Store and its transaction flow, Bima also used this opportunity to help answer questions and doubts that policy makers had in the field around Toko Daring. One of them, Bima provides a solution related to the cost of postage that is not covered. According to Bima, to overcome this, MSMEs can first onboard in one of the Marketplaces incorporated in the Online Store.