



SAP (System Application And Product) As A Solution For E-Commerce

The E-Commerce Indonesia Association (idEA), in collaboration with SAP Indonesia, organized a workshop entitled "Solutions for E-Commerce" on Tuesday (5/9) at JS Luwansa Hotel, Jakarta. In this workshop, discussed in depth about the importance of SAP One Business for the sustainability of E-commerce business.

In this workshop, several speakers are competent in the field of E-commerce and information technology. The speakers are Lili Hartono from SAP Indonesia, Alvin Wiyono from Intech Vision and Rishabh Singh, CIO The workshop was hosted by Amir Karimuddin, Chief Editor of Daily Social.

Lili, from SAP Indonesia revealed the importance of SAP One Business for E-commerce business continuity. Because company management, especially in terms of database server, will run well through SAP.

The same thing is said Alvin. According to him, SAP One Business is most in demand by E-commerce is on cloud. "As for on-premise, more widely used by companies ​​the way sales are still conventional, "said Alvin.

While Rishabh also acknowledged, currently this kind of SAP service is also inevitable for E-commerce. Because E-commerce is a business that relies heavily on database reliability.

In addition to the speakers' presentations, the workshop was also filled with presentations on the importance of SAP as an e-commerce business solution by Erik Sebastian from Intech Vision. Erik affirmed, SAP Business One makes e-commerce companies better. One reason is the SAP Business One system runs on a Microsoft SQL Server server.

"So the process of backup and recover data will run as well as possible," said Erik.