



Priorities and Agenda Presidency of the G20 Finance Track Germany 2017

G20 forum will reportedly be back in the title next July with the main theme "Shaping an Interconnected World".

The three priority areas the Presidency of the G20 Germany in 2017 the Building Resilience (World Economy, Trade & Investment, Employment, Financial Market / Int. Fin. Architecture, International Tax Cooperation), Improving Sustainability (Climate & Energy, 2030 Agenda, digitalisation, Global Health, Empowering Woman), and Assuming Responsibility (Tackling the cause of displacement, Partnership with Africa, Fighting Terrorism, Anti-Corruption, Agriculture / Food Security).

Meanwhile, G20 eight priority issues concerning:

1. Financial (physical and monetary)

Crisis Solution, Enhanced Economic Growth and Financial Sector Stability, Tax, Global Financial Architecture, and Preparation of Growth Strategies.

2. Trading

Open Market, Trade Liberalization, Protectionism Removal, GVC, and strengthening MTS.

3. Infrastructure Investment

Financing Investsasi, GIF & GIH Project Preparation & Prioritization, and PPP.

4. Energy

Energy, New and Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Access, Energy Market Transparency.

5. Employment

Unemployment, Employment mouth quality, Gender Gap, Youth Unemployment, Silver Economy.

6. Development

Agriculture & Food Security, Inclusive Finance, Remittances, Infrastructure, DRM, LICs, and Achievement SDGs.

7. Anti-Corruption

Beneficial Ownersip, AntiBribery, Corruption in sectors Prone (High Risk), Private and Public Transparency.

8. Others

Climate Change, Global Health (Ebola, AMR), Refugee, Counter-Terorrism Financing.

The G20 was formed due to the global financial crisis in 1998. Globalization, interdependence among countries is increasing. The economic crisis in a country / region can spread rapidly to other countries / regions. And, the role and influence of developing countries in the global economy is increasing (engine of global growth).

Originally a meeting forum of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G20 members with the agenda related to the global financial sector. Since the year 2008 increased to Summit to strengthen the implementation of commitments at the domestic level and broaden the agenda beyond the financial sector.