



With the launch of Marketplace KinerjaMall Focus Premium Promotional Products Indonesia

PT. KinerjaPay Indonesia as the provider of payment solutions, marketplace of virtual games (games), today officially launched a new marketplace called KinerjaMall (

The event began with a panel discussion to discuss the road map (roadmap) on Indonesian e-Commerce, led by Deny Rahardjo, as CEO of PT. Performance Pay Indonesia. Topics discussed are about the condition of the retail business and e-commerce Indonesia today as well as a road map based national electronic trading system or better known as the economic policy package XIV.

Yongky Susilo of AC Nielsen says Indonesia is a country with a level of consumer optimism in the third world, where the population of the country is really ready to shop. "Indonesia will be the largest country to 7 from an economic standpoint in 2030" according to Yongky Susilo. On the other hand, Adimarta J. Ahmad representing IDEA (Indonesia E-commerce Association) in addition to detailing the economic policy package XIV, he also added that in 2017 Indonesia could become the largest market of e-Commerce in the region.

Therefore, Roy N. Mandey as chairman APRINDO (Indonesian Retailers Association) suggested that we should learn to be more creative in riding a wave of e-commerce development is so rapid is that whoever economic actors, both offline and online can together feel benefits.

Frans Budi Institution, Chief Marketing Office PT. Performance Pay Indonesia adding "As actors e-Commercedi Indonesia, KinerjaMall targeting middle income generation millenials with the population of about 74 million as the target market. In other respects, KinerjaMall offer creative products danasli Indonesia, where we also help small and medium pelakuusaha to be able to sell online. "

"As the company's first e-commerce Indonesia listed in the US stock market, we always strive to give birth to many innovations include focusing on developing e-commerce industry homeland with childbirth KinerjaMall" said Edwin Witarsa ​​(Chairman and Founder KinerjaPay). Edwin Witarsa ​​goes on to explain some of the uniqueness of KinerjaMall as daily unique promotional program per categories of goods produced by the system, free shipping to all over Indonesia, the number of products that vary (150,000 SKUs) and an easy way to transact with support payments from KinerjaPay.