



Launching National Occupational Map of ICT Sector

and Informatics building. Ministry of Communications and Informatics officially launched National Occupational Map of ICT (Information & Communication Technology). This ICT Okupasi Map is expected to be used as a reference for stakeholders, including the Industry, Education, and Government sectors as well as the wider community. In the field of Industry, this map of ICT occupation is needed to provide a standard reference of qualifications and competence of human resources in Occupation or a certain Occupation. In the field of education this okupasi map can be used as a reference of students and teachers / lecturers in the process of attainment of learning. And in the field of government, this occupation map can be used as a reference in the equation of occupation / jabata between countries in the framework of the movement of foreign workers or between countries.Jakarta-Thursday, July 27, 2017, located in the Anantakupa room of the Ministry of Communications.

The launch of the National Occupational Field Map of ICT is administered by the Ministry of Communications and Informatics for the results of work together with the Ministry of Manpower, the Ministry of PPN, KADIN, BNSP and all professional associations of ICT fields including the idEA. At this time has been compiled document maps of occupation National ICT field 2017 which consists of 125 occupants in 14 key areas including the e-commerce sector.

At the launch event, the Minister of Kominfo Rudiantara who was asked to be the keynote speaker said that at the moment we live in a global constellation. "On the human resources side, we have to compete with other countries". In order for Indonesian people to compete, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics encourages increased competence and competence certification. "It is expected that at least our human resources are ready to be accepted to work in the country and not lose also with human resources from abroad" he said.

According to the mandate of Act No. 13 of 2003, employment and unemployment issues are not only the responsibility of the Government, but also the involvement of all elements, therefore the Ministry of Communications and Informatics invites ICT industry players to always work hand-in-hand with the Government in improving competitiveness Indonesian workforce at regional and global level. (Editor)