



Through Year-End Closing the Online Shopping Experience Different in Brilliant Idea Market

Ending 2016, Indonesia E-Commerce Association (IDEA), which is a means of communication between industry E-Commerce Indonesia will present a themed event Brilliant Idea Market in cooperation with BANK BRI. Brilliant Idea Market is an "event shopping transactions directly by business sellers online to offline", these activities provide education and customer experiences to consumers to order the future can be more comfortable and secure when shopping online, this education not only from the side of the customer but also education the Seller to maximize sales through online media.

This event will be held for 3 days, located on Jl. TPH - Senayan City, on December 16, s / d December 18, 2016 and represents 121 commerce Merchant of various categories such as fashion, travel, lifestyle, beauty and food.

"The implementation of Brilliant Idea Market 2016 is one proof of BRI's seriousness in supporting the development of the World E-commerce, especially in the provision of online shopping transaction system that is safe, practical and easy," said Corporate Secretary of Bank BRI Amijarso Alert Day. This event was held in commemoration of HARBOLNAS (National Online Shopping Day) on December 12, 2016 and also coincided with the anniversary of BRI that all 121 who fell exactly on this day of December 16, 2016. Overall the transaction at the time of the event Brilliant Idea Market will be fully supported by Bank BRI by presenting a variety of exciting program for loyal customers of Bank BRI, in particular transactions by using e-Pay Credit Card BRI and BRI.

In general terms of product profile payment system, the bank currently has several options payment features E-commerce that can be enjoyed by the Customer that is E-pay BRI, Credit Card BRI and BRI Virtual Account Online with each procedure of payment suit the needs of the community,

BRI realize one important point to build public trust for active transactions E-commerce is a security in the transaction, so that BRI continues in its efforts to develop the transaction feature secure but easy to apply, one example is the security system in the product e-pay BRI use Mobile token with Pay Code is sent to HP Customers who have registered to be safe and also practical without having to carry a separate hard token when transacting. In addition it is easy and practical E-pay BRI can be directly used for all customers who have registered Internet Banking BRI without having to do the activation E-pay. As well as other payment enhancement products that can be used by all customers of BRI in the near future.

In Event Brilliant Idea Market 2016, BRI wants to prove the company's commitment to become business partner who can provide full support in the form of a payment system that answers all the needs of our customers and the needs of the entire enterprise E-commerce. "BRI has also proved the existence in Business E-commerce to form establishment of cooperation in more than 130 Merchant Online throughout Indonesia today, and will continue to expand its acceptance by the acquisition of 80 merchant e-commerce that will live in the near future," added Hari Siaga.

BRI also targets with the implementation of Brilliant Idea Market Event 2016, and through the payment system that we provide, there is an increase in transactions of 15,000 transactions with a sales volume of 15 billion rupiah. Also in this event also offers services BRI Opening Savings Accounts, Credit Cards and Internet Banking activation that we expect to acquire 2000 new user.

The event that brought the concept of online to offline is getting enthusiastic about the good of the industry of e-commerce, in particular members of IDEA and also the creative industry in Indonesia. "With this event, it is hoped the community's trust in online shopping methods can be increased by BRI as a liaison between Merchant and Customer through the payment system is applicable to the whole society," said Hari Siaga.

IDEA as a commerce association comprised of 280 members supported this event with the aim to provide experience for visitors of the online and offline berlanja also socialization of the business people to get e-commerce.Hal this is one part of the work program of IDEA in welcoming the government's initiative regarding roadmap of e-commerce in Indonesia.

Brilliant Idea Market will provide a different customer experience to the citizens and netizens. Business e-commerce is growing provides a great opportunity for various stakeholders to participate actively and contribute their best to the advancement of digital business in Indonesia. Brilliant Idea Market presence as a closed event this year is one concrete step BRI and Idea in providing education and dissemination to the general public about the things that concern the current government, namely; less cash society. IDEA hopes for the future will be more parties to do the same; "Education and socialization" said Aulia Marinto, Chairman of IDEA.

Brilliant Idea Market was held in the hopes of more than 120ribu visitors and embellish "Midnight Sale Senayan City" on Saturday, December 17, 2016.
