



Kemenkominfo Releases Map of Child Protection Road On The Internet

Jakarta, (24/8) - Director General of APTIKA, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, announces that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has released 'Road Map (An Introduction): Indonesian Child Protection on the Internet'. And on Thursday (24/8) at the Office of Kominfo, Central Jakarta.

Based on, Literasi Digital Anak Indonesia which has been so actively influenced by the internet or (online) known as digital native youth, makes children and adolescents are very active in accessing the internet and its content.

However, the internet also has a negative impact. Content that violates the law, such as pornography and radicalism, and the behavior of internet users who violate morality, ranging from bullying or pedophilia, a threat to young Indonesians.

For this reason, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) released a Road Map (An Introduction): Protection of Indonesian Children on the Internet. In the preparation of this Road Map, Kemenkominfo cooperates with a number of healthy internet communities, Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Kemdikbud, Ministry of Child Empowerment (KPPA), UNICEF, ICT Watch, Puskakom UI, Indonesia Internet Governance Forum (ID-IGF) And child care communities, such as Indonesia Child Online Protection (ID-COP).

This Road Map is still an introduction. A more comprehensive Road Map preparation is expected to be completed next year. It is hoped that the Road Map can be a guide for various stakeholders, both government and community, in campaigning or educating and using the internet for children. In addition, the existence of this Road Map document can synergize efforts from communities and governments to protect children from negative internet impacts. This is done so that efforts can be more massive and directed.