



National E-Commerce Industry Excited Cita will be election of William Tanuwijaya as Indonesian People First in the Global Young Leaders 2016

Jakarta, March 21, 2016 - The World Economic Forum, an international organization founded on cooperation between the government and the private sector since 1971 in Geneva, Switzerland, officially returned to announce the leaders of his choice TODAY (17/3) through The Forum of Young Global Leaders. At the announcement of this year, CEO William Tanuwijaya Tokopedia which also is Founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Indonesia E-Commerce Association (IDEA) --- the only leader of Indonesia --- crowned sebagai15 influential young leaders in the Asia Pacific region.

William's coronation as Young Global Leaders (YGL) class of 2016 continued the tradition of Indonesian leaders on the world stage, after Thomas Lembong and Anies Baswedan, elected respectively in 2008 and 2009. It is at once followed the trail of the world of technology entrepreneurs, such as Jack Ma (YGL 2005), Mark Zuckerberg (YGL 2009), Larry PagedanSergey Brin (YGL 2011).

Bruce Nussbaum of Bloomberg Business Week once called YGL as "the most exclusive private social network in the world", while the World Economic Forum leaders described his choice as "the voice for the future and the hopes of the next generation".

"This news is a breath of fresh air for the national E-Commerce industry. With the nation's children who excel in the global arena, we are increasingly confident Indonesia will be a new power of the digital economy of the world," said Daniel Tumiwa as Chairman of IDEA

William Tanu wijaya also will be a speaker in Indonesia E-Commerce Summit & Expo (IESE) on 27 to 29 April 2016 for Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE - BSD). Visit now and get tiketAnda

For further information, please contact:
Ayu Indirawanty
Secretary General Idea
+62 21 2550 2625