



Idea responded positively and appreciation Economic Policy Package XIV

Street map Indonesian e-commerce has been officially announced by the government coincided with the commemoration of Heroes Day, 10 November 2016 in the form of Economic Policy Package XIV. Chairman of the Indonesian Association of E-commerce (IDEA), Aulia Marinto, welcomed and highly appreciated the measures the Government has put the e-commerce industry as a priority in moving the economy of Indonesia, especially the digital economy.

Indonesian e-commerce industry is now telahmemiliki runway clear strategic guidance and effective functioning in the form of regulation - a new regulation or regulatory change - the existing regulations; required as a corridor in accelerating the development of the digital economy of Indonesia. There are 7 (seven) main focus areas namely; Funding, Taxation, Consumer Protection, Education and Human Resources, Communication Infrastructure, Logistics and Security Siber.

As a first step, IDEA has conducted intensive meetings, discussions and coordination with ministries - related ministries including the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the Creative Economy Agency to discuss steps - steps the coordination and implementation of the Economic Policy Package XIV. Coordination will be followed by ministries and other relevant government agencies.

Recognizing the urgency of the target implementation of seven (7) fields, Idea respond directly to form a Working Group IDEA (WG) specifically addressing each - each field and 1 (one) Committee which serves as synchronizers on each input generated by each - each Working Group then proposed to the relevant Government Ministries and Agencies. Working Group consists of the Board and the members of IDEA who are willing to contribute and participate actively in generating input - input that is comprehensive and appropriate to the needs of the industry.

Idea hoping for synergy and coordination that could quickly and effectively between the Working Group and the Working Group established IDEA Coordinating Ministry of Economy so that the target - target date for completion of regulation each - each field is completed on time.