idEA Supports BPS E-commerce Data Collection
An absolute accurate e-commerce database is available to support the preparation of Indonesia's economic growth figures which are routinely released by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), and support the government's economic policy making, especially regarding online transactions based on Presidential Regulation No.74 of 2017 concerning Road Map of National Trade-Based Systems Electronic.
Various efforts have been carried out by the BPS in coordination with the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Communication and Information through various socialization events. Following up on these initiatives and in order to evaluate e-commerce transaction recording activities, BPS invited the Indonesian E-commerce Association (IDEA) in the Sharing Session related to the legal aspects of data recording by BPS which aims to strengthen BPS collaboration with e-commerce businesses.
This activity was held in the Central Bureau of Statistics Building, Jakarta on Thursday, October 11 2018. The event was attended by Mrs. Sri Soelistyowati, BPS Deputy Balance and Statistical Analysis, Mrs. Melly Mersiana, Legal Section of BPS, and Mr. Bima Laga (Chairperson of IDEA Digital Economy) and e-commerce activities and idEA members who were also present at this event.
In the discussion session of the Indonesian E-commerce Association (IDEA) represented by Mr. Bima Laga said that IDEA supports data collection through BPS and invites e-commerce industry players, especially IDEA members to participate in e-commerce data collection activities to BPS. However, IDEA said that BPS also needed to pay attention to the constraints faced by businesses. Some of the obstacles that were also conveyed by the actors in the discussion were one of the many requests for data from the government not only BPS, which made it difficult for businesses.