idEA with BPOM in the Cosmetics Promotion Interactive Forum through E-Commerce
The development of information and communication technology has also influenced the pattern of selling cosmetics from conventional media to digital media. In this case the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) held an Cosmetics Promotion Interactive Forum at the Online Media with Campaign Marketplace on Friday, November 23, 2018 at the Lumire Hotel. Aims to increase the knowledge and insights of e-commerce and merchant partners in promoting cosmetic sales.
As an effort to support this activity, the Indonesian E-Commerce Association (IDEA) was present as a talkshow speaker represented by Dr. Agnes Susanto as Chair of the Consumer Protection Division presented the Trends and Challenges of Online Sales. Also present were members of IDEA along with merchant partners as participants.
In addition, the talkshow was also attended by Deputy 2 of BPOM, Ms. Mayagustina Andarini, Director of Circulating Goods and Services (Ministry of Trade), namely Mr. Ojak Simon and Even Alex Chandra as marketplace representatives, Bukalapak.
Here are some things to note:
- The sale and promotion of cosmetics in Indonesia is done through online media, referring to Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia BPOM No. 1/2016 concerning the Technical Guidelines for Supervision of Cosmetics Ads which are amended by PerKa BPOM No. 18/2016.
- Parameters of trade supervision carried out by the Ministry of Trade refer to Permendag no 69/2018 concerning Supervision of Circulated Goods and / or Services.
- Business ethics for both e-commerce platform Providers and Merchants refers to SE Kominfo No. 5/2016 on Safe Harbor Policy.