FGD Socialization of SKK Aspasaf's Central Partnership Policy Review on Indonesia's Chairship in ASEAN 2023: Optimizing the Strengthening of the ASEAN E-Commerce Sector in the Context of Accelerating Economic Recovery
Effective as of January 1, 2023, Indonesia will officially act as Chair of ASEAN. Not only that, Indonesia is also still the country with the largest economy in Southeast Asia. The moment of RI's chairmanship in ASEAN certainly needs to be designed as well as possible, so that it can have a positive impact on domestic socio-economic progress and other ASEAN countries.
To that end, the Foreign Policy Strategy Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia held a FGD entitled "Optimizing the Strengthening of the ASEAN E-Commerce Sector in the Context of Accelerating Economic Recovery". In accordance with the theme raised, the FGD allowed the participants who were present to exchange ideas in order to design policies that would strengthen ASEAN cooperation in the economic field, especially through the digital sector.
Present at the agenda, the General Chairperson of idEA Bima Laga, as one of the speakers representing the digital industry players. On this occasion, Bima explained that one of the activities that idEA had carried out for the past few years, namely the National Online Shopping Day or Harbolnas. Based on Nielsen's research, the number of promos given during Harbolnas was able to attract consumer interest and boost sales figures for business actors. Bima also conveyed several strategic steps to optimize ASEAN cooperation in E-Commerce, including by facilitating cooperation and logistics and shipping solutions to become more affordable, either by finding logistics partners in ASEAN countries or through warehouse rental services between countries.
As the Association that oversees the Digital Ecosystem, idEA supports the design of policies that can help strengthen the e-commerce sector in ASEAN, and is ready to collaborate with various parties to help make this happen.