



Bank Indonesia Goes to Campus 2016 E-commerce Association of Indonesia (IDEA) to share knowledge in Makassar

Head of External Cooperation Idea, Mr. Setyo Harsoyo, the invitation as a speaker talk show on "Bank Indonesia (BI) Goes to Campus 2016" which this time was held in the Auditorium Amanagappa, Makassar State University (UNM) on Tuesday, November 15, 2016. the event is held in the form of video and blogging competition was also filled talk show with the theme "Scale Up with E-Commerce", blogging workshop Tips for Writing articles in Blog by Kompasiana, and Net Citizen Journalist workshop 'Be a part of the Change, be a Citizen Journalist '.

This activity aims to promote the National Movement of Non-Cash (GNNT) to Gen-Y who is judged to have potential as agents of change through education about the functions and benefits of non-cash transactions. The linkage between the campus with pubic educational activity not only leads to GNNT only. Student / i is known to have an open nature of the social utilization is expected also expected to impact loads on the communication policy of Bank Indonesia.

Talkshow Smart Money brings a Wave 4 (four) speakers, namely Pungky P. Wibowo, Director of the Department of Policy and Payment System Oversight of Bank Indonesia; Nandan Sandaya, VP Digital Banking and Financial Inclusion Bank Mandiri; Setya Harsoyo, Chairman of the Bid. External Cooperation Indonesia E-Commerce Association (IDEA); and Ronny Sugiadha, CMO Kaskus.

Pak Setyo opportunity in states that GNNT is one of the growth of e-commerce accelerator. Currently, the share of COD is still quite large. "COD still control 30% - 40% of e-commerce transactions, the transfer of 50% and the rest is an online payment system like credit cards, debit cards, Internet banking and e-money. To encourage non-cash transactions in e-commerce, education and socialization needs to be done continuously by all stakeholders: government, BI, including supporting actors ecommerce company such as payment gateway, logistics and also by Idea. Without education and socialization that simultaneously, it will only be a discourse GNNT ".

Pak Setyo also explained that GNNT necessary to support online payment system. There are four main requirements that good online payment system, the ease of registration, to emoney must rechargeable, user friendly, and should be safe. "In addition to the ease of licensing providers of credit-card system and interoperability between payment systems has also become a very important thing to be realized".