



E-Commerce Transaction Tax

Live CNN Indonesia - in Business program (25/8), attended by resource persons Bima Laga - Head of Tax, Infrastructure & Cyber ​​Security Association of E-Commerce Indonesia (idEA) & CFO and resource person Yustinus Prastowo - CITA Executive Director discussed the topic Tax levies on E-Commerce.

According to the head of the Fiscal Policy Office of the Ministry of Finance (BKF Kemenkeu) Suahasil Nazara, E-Commerce transaction data can be the basic material of the government issuing tax rules for E-Commerce. Although the current payment of E-commerce transactions still vary, ranging from bank transfer to direct payment when goods are received (Cash on Delivery / COD).

"Because E-commerce is actually much more we can detect. Because, automatic bookkeeping comes from it (payment gateway), "said Sri Mulyani, Monday (21/8)

In such context How the taxation of E-Commerce trading transaction will affect the E-Commerce industry. And Whether with this tax plan will affect the rate or price of E-Commerce goods or services.

Bima Laga Says, "The Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA) must have been called from several ministry agencies on this discourse and the idEA has provided input. Hopefully idEA is always involved in the creation of E-Commerce rules. In this case that needs to be seen for the tax base is the business model first, and also seen level of playing field because between local and outside it needs the same treatment, he said some of the perpetrators of E-Commerce is not 100% the same and proved outside players are still passing Lalang enjoys the transaction from the Indonesia transaction but has not contributed while the local players who are already paying taxes out of the revenue model business, it still has not gotten the equation from the outside. "

Meanwhile, Yustinus Prastowo said the government has not found an effective way to deal with changes in business models that occur.

"E-commerce can be tangible (physical), but can also (intangible), such as software (software). This level of playing field is a problem. The importance of tax and benerfit between government and E-Commerce actors. The government also needs to be careful because online transactions that have the characteristics quickly, effectively and efficiently, do not let regulatory intervention actually makes these traits disappear, so it will be detrimental for all parties. "Said Justinus.

The Government already has a legal umbrella In the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number: 74 of 2017 on Road Map Electronic Electronic Based System (Road Map E-Commerce) Year 2017-2019, to set ministries coordinating agencies. Requires the Clarity of Tax Rules that will encourage the Awareness of E-Commerce actors. So the legal framework enables effectiveness and implementation.