
FGD: Logistics & E-Commerce Trends and Challenges in Digital Growth

Every day more packages come here! Or every day there is a courier who picks up packages from home? which one are you?

Whichever one you are, you will certainly find it very helpful, right? Moreover, it's really trending shopping or selling online. Did you know, there are many things you need to know about shipping so that your online shopping or selling is safe and comfortable. Participate in Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Logistics & E-Commerce Trends and Challenges in Digital Growth with idEA.

In addition to knowing many important things, you can also provide input or convey concerns regarding the package delivery process so that it becomes even better.

This FGD is FREE, open to the public and will be held on Thursday, February 10, 2022 via the Zoom application.
To participate, you can register here or type in your browser

Instead of missing out, it's better to register now!
See you soon, yeah!