



idEA EUKM Webinar - Secure Payments Seller vs. Buyer

Since 2021, the Indonesian E-Commerce Association has regularly held business development webinars, presenting digitization themes for MSME players throughout the country. Due to the extraordinary enthusiasm, this routine continues until 2022. This year, it is recorded that 9 series of idEA EUKM Webinars have been held, one of which was on Thursday, November 24.

With the theme “Seller Version Secure Payment vs. Buyers", this webinar provides information about secure payment solutions, for businesses that market their products through Social Media. Presenting Yudha Setiawan as MSME Expert, Business Practitioner and Founder of PT. Lazizaa Rahmat Semesta, the webinar was interactive and received good feedback from the participants.

The spirit of the idEA E-UKM Webinar Series is to help MSMEs in Indonesia develop and survive in the digital economy era. Hopefully this hope can be realized and will continue in the following years.