



Ministry of Trade Harkonas Webinar

Welcoming Eid Al-Fitr 1443H, people flocked to shop starting from new clothes, pastries and various other needs. In this all-digital era, shopping for Eid needs no longer has to be jostled in shopping centers; everything can be done in the palm of the hand with the online marketplace platform. So that people can shop and take advantage of the convenience provided by the online shopping platform wisely, on Tuesday 19 April 2022 the Ministry of Trade held a Webinar entitled "Consumer Empowerment: Online Shopping Wisely in Welcoming the Holidays". In the Webinar, the General Chairperson of idEA Bima Laga was present as a resource person.

In his presentation, Bima conveyed several points that need to be considered by consumers so that they are wise and do not lose money when shopping online for holiday needs. Most importantly, consumers need to understand the stages of online shopping, from choosing products, paying to receiving goods. In order not to lose money, consumers also need to check the credibility of the seller by looking at the store's rating and reviews from previous buyers. Consumers also need to understand their rights and obligations, so that the online shopping experience is enjoyable for all parties. Bima continued, online marketplace platforms, especially those who have become idEA members, have a responsibility to provide education to consumers so that they can become smart and wise consumers. idEA as the Association is ready to cooperate and support these educational efforts.