Trust: The Key to Successful E-Commerce
In any trading activity whose name factor 'trust' was indeed very important. Trust is indeed a decisive whether a sale and purchase transactions can be realized, or even vice versa. In the world of e-commerce today, where the consumer can not see directly the goods he wants to buy, of course factor 'trust' must be received portions of greater attention.
The fact also proves, APJII research conducted last year showed that there are still many Indonesian online consumers who still do not trust online shopping. This condition must be addressed as a challenge for the actors of e-commerce instead of making it as a barrier. In the middle of e-commerce businesses that are constantly evolving, pessimism actually be counterproductive.
According to Edward K. Suwignyo, Head of Marketing PT. Multiply Indonesia, the level of 'trust' online consumer Indonesian people not on stage I trust I buy. "We see Indonesia is still in the stage of Phase I Click, I Pray," he said during a presentation at the Thursday event Idea Commerce held in Jakarta, April 4, 2013. Thus, the Indonesian people in general do not believe that online transactions was not a problem.
Edward was added sought by consumers in shopping online is basically simple. "Consumers wanted something practical, fast, and secure. Indonesia is heading in that direction, "he concluded. Multiply alone, according to Edward, there are two circles of trust that they galakkan to build consumer confidence.
"Circle of Trust in Multiply the two, that is how we build our credibility and how to deliver the name assurance (guarantee)," he explained. For Multiply, besides important, whose name builds credibility must be built continuously and always maintained at all times. To that end, Edward was argued that "Credibility can not be built instantaneously, should be the long term," he explained.
In line with Edward, Rolf Monteiro, CEO of LivingSocial LivingSocial Indonesia said that a program of Return and Refund Policy to establish and maintain a trust of consumers. The goal was actually simple, LivingSocial wants its customers to feel comfortable shopping experience and fun. Thus, the consumer is willing to re-visit LivingSocial.
In fact, because it wanted to create a good impression for consumers, Rolf told me never did return and refund simply because the consumers are not getting a good service during the holidays. "We have customers who buy a holiday voucher to Korea, but get poor service and we refund," he said when giving a presentation at the Thursday event Commerce.
Rolf admitted it was risky and companies to spend money not less. But, because of the orientation is to provide a good shopping experience it should be done. "If consumers feel we as a company do commitment means much more than is written on paper, they tend to believe it and get back to us. And it has also become the biggest challenge for LivingSocial, "he explained.
So, for those who are or start an online business or e-commerce, what do these LivingSocial Multiply and you can make an example of how to build consumer confidence. Good luck!