



Tips on Building the

World E-Commerce Indonesia today can not be denied is still a lot of work remains yet to be done by the perpetrators. One important issue is 'trust'. Despite being in a very rapid growth, the issue of 'trust' in the e-commerce Indonesia still often surfaced. In fact, there are still many Indonesian people are still wary of shopping online for fear of negative consequences occur, such as fraud or fraud.

Many factors affect the fact that the issue of 'trust' is. According to Rama Mamuaya, Founder & Chief Executive DailySocial, one of the things that makes many masyarakt hesitate to e-commerce is the reputation of the company's e-commerce is not yet clear size. "In Indonesia, there is no standard certification label to determine a site is good or not and the government is doing this. If it has, for example, the logo of the government, meaning it easier for people to know that the site is secure "he explained.

Then there is also the use of social media as a tool to build 'trust'. Basically almost all the company's e-commerce Indonesia are already using social media. Only Rama highlighted that the use of social media by e-commerce companies are still misplaced. "Although the use of social media it ends sales, but should be used for long investment, which build trust," he said in a presentation at the Thursday event Commerce Vol. II.

Rama also gives some tips based on experience and research conducted DailySocial in growing 'trust' customer e-commerce. First, there are many people who do not like having to login first to shop at e-commerce sites. "You have to trust them first. So, how does the customer want pecaya with e-commerce if they themselves do not trust ?, "said Rama.

Second, the problem of the shopping experience. According to Rama, the customer's shop they bought him and get home on time and the goods accordingly. So, if for example there are consumers who complained about the problem until the late goods, should be at the company's response correctly and not off the hook.

"There are still some cases of companies that responded to the complaint incorrectly. For example, by blaming the messenger and escape responsibility. It was a bad experience for the customer, "he explained.

Third, it must be transparent. Still a lot according to Rama, e-commerce companies are not honest with the customer. For example, when the goods have not yet reached by the target date, the company's e-commerce just ask the customer to wait for the promise of goods must be sent.

"There also are using vouchers as an entertainer or an apology to customers. Though not as simple as that. One bad experience from the customer that shopping online can affect the entire industry, "said Rama.

And lastly, the company's e-commerce should be able to resolve the cases with good management. "Meng-handle cases it is not that easy to love a discount or apologize. Someone even our survey who had a negative experience in online shopping claims will not visit the e-commerce site for two years. And it's a big loss, "said Rama.

So, for those of you who are just starting a business or e-commerce, it is worth considering the tips given Rama Mamuaya and DailySocial above. Due to build 'trust' is a continuous activity, not instant. Good luck!