



RPP Potentially Deadly E-Commerce E-Commerce Industry National

On Sunday, June 21, 2015 the day yesterday, the Ministry of Commerce finally circulate electronic documents in the form of a matrix that contains the outline of chapters RPP E-Commerce.

Of a given matrix, it can be seen a few points that are very harmful to the industry. The first of the definition of "businesses" that do not reflect the circumstances, models, and e-commerce business practices in the market today. It should be understood that e-commerce is much broader than e-retail. In addition to e-retail, there are many other business models that need to be accommodated, such as classified ads, market place, and daily deals. Each of these business models need to approach different rules.

The requirement for registration which is known as Know Your Customer (KYC), it makes no sense to run the business models and market place classified ads. It will directly kill the players.
Learning from other countries that have more advanced in terms of e-commerce, the rules formulated should be a balance between the protection of consumers, vendors and platform providers. In the United States, for example, has a "safe harbor" policy that limits the legal liability of the organizers of the platform based on the principles of justice. It is very important to build a business climate conducive for business.

"We call on the government to immediately improve the process of preparation of this RPP. Immediately engage the industry players in the group discussions, give access to the complete draft, and give adequate time," said Daniel Tumiwa as Chairman of IDEA. "Some of the contents of RPP is very alarming and potentially deadly industry," he added.