



Discussion Meeting on the Entry of Imported Cosmetics via Consignment Goods

Last Wednesday, July 5, representatives of the Consumer Protection and Content Moderation Sector of idEA attended an invitation for a Discussion Meeting on the Imported Import of Cosmetics via Shipments from the Republic of Indonesia POM. The meeting was held in the context of optimizing the supervision of imported cosmetics for personal use, especially those sent via consignment goods.

In order to control the entry of cosmetics through consignments to be more effective and optimal, joint collaboration between BPOM officials and relevant stakeholders is needed, including the Indonesian E-Commerce Association and its members who have long been BPOM's strategic partners. This is because cosmetic products that enter Indonesian territory with the aim of being traded or for personal use without going through proper supervision standards can increase public health risks and injustice in doing business. As an anticipatory effort, the BPOM has also carried out joint supervision with the Director General of Customs and Excise, although it still encounters several challenges due to loopholes in regulation.