



Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting for Submission of Drug and Food Content Takedown in E-Commerce Quarter IV 2022

As part of the collaboration between idEA and the RI POM Agency, monitoring and evaluation meetings for taking down drug and food content submissions in e-commerce are routinely held regularly. This time, a monitoring and evaluation meeting was held on Thursday, January 26, 2023. On the agenda, representatives from e-commerce companies that are members of idEA were present to provide follow-up reports on takedown submissions from cyber patrol results from October to December 2022.

Based on data collected by BPOM, the majority of e-commerce platforms have complied with taking down products that are indicated to violate BPOM regulations. Of the links submitted for takedown during the Cyber ​​Patrol Period October - December 2022, the majority of links have been followed up.

idEA hopes that the well-established collaboration between BPOM, the Association and e-commerce platforms can continue.