



Application of E-commerce Taxation Big Impact On The culprit

Indonesian e-commerce Association (IDEA) held a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) members discussed the idea that e-commerce tax that includes VAT was charity, Capital Gains Tax and Tax Shipping. Forum Group Discussion (FGD) was held at the IDEA members Kompas Gramedia, Wednesday (2/3).

Talking about taxes, FGD this time presenting speakers who are competent in their field such as Prog Suwitono as Head of Finance and Legal Kaskus. Prog Suwitono deliver his presentation on VAT free in e-commerce players.

E-commerce players who dkenakan Vat free of charge and have been checked by the tax is OLX and Kaskus. According Prog Suwitono, from Kaskus VAT at no charge by taxes imposed under the banner and incoming traffic is not a model of e-commerce.

In addition, the FGD also speakers from, namely sawiji Wihardiningrum who delivered his presentation on Tax Treatment of Capital Gains. In FGD IDEA members also share with each other about the problems experienced by the perpetrators of e-commerce. And, in this time the opportunity FGD sharing is part of Lazada about free shipping and a master account.

Starting problems experienced actors tax e-commerce, associations see the opportunities that can be done together, starting from the problem of what to solution. Of this FGD expected the perpetrators of e-commerce can be a good understanding of the issues of taxation on e-commerce. Because taxation of e-commerce is likely to have a major impact on the culprit. Moreover, now the atmosphere is the development of e-commerce in Indonesia is being very good.

"Do not make a statement about the tax impact on all members. Associations should be careful in issuing tax statement and try to protect the players to beragument on combating tax is not a tax." said one member.