



The IDEA 2019 market is here for the first time in Indonesia

Meet consumers and provide a real shopping experience with their favorite e-commerce

Jakarta, February 19, 2019 - Indonesia e-commerce Association (idEA) or Indonesian E-commerce Association in collaboration with Traya International Exhibition will hold the IDEA 2019 Market exhibition at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan, on August 15-18, 2019. This event is an e-commerce exhibition that is a manifestation of IDEA's commitment to advance the digital economy in Indonesia by linking established ecosystems. The IDEA 2019 market aims to bring together e-commerce industry players with consumers directly and as a forum for communication between e-commerce industry players in Indonesia.

Indonesia is a market with attractive e-commerce growth from year to year. Since 2014, Euromonitor noted, online sales in Indonesia have reached US $ 1.1 billion. Census data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) also mentioned that Indonesia's e-commerce industry in the last 10 years had increased by 17% with the total e-commerce business reaching 26.2 million units. In 2018, e-commerce in Indonesia has experienced very rapid growth and is expected to continue to increase as the number of entrepreneurs and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) grow in the country.

In addition to these data, the great potential of the e-commerce industry in Indonesia is also influenced by the style of online shopping, especially by the millennial generation. According to the Indonesia Millennium Report 2019, millennials are very fond of looking for comparisons of prices, features, promo programs and product quality on several e-commerce sites before deciding to buy an item. Millennials also don't hesitate to recommend e-commerce or their favorite online store to their friends.

"Although it has great potential, e-commerce in Indonesia still has several challenges, including the number of local products that are still out of quantity compared to imported products and consumer education about safe online shopping transactions. idEA is present to encourage alignments with the digital economy industry and establish good relationships between consumers, industry players with industry partners on an ongoing basis, one of which is by integrating online channels into the offline domain, through the Market IDEA 2019 exhibition, "said Ignatius Untung S, Chair of the Association E-Commerce Indonesia (idEA).

During the past 4 years, e-commerce in Indonesia has increased up to 500%. The latest Google and Temasek research in the SEA 2018 e-Conomy report shows that Indonesia's digital economy this year reached US $ 27 billion or around Rp. 391 trillion. This figure makes Indonesia's digital economy transactions ranked first for the Southeast Asia region with a contribution of 49%. However, Indonesian products sold on e-commerce platforms are still under 10 percent, so it becomes a shared challenge to make digital economy and e-commerce not only big because Indonesia is only a market.
idEA wants to contribute significantly to economic growth through e-commerce activities from each of its member platforms. In addition, iDEA will also play an active role in educating the public and e-commerce players to create safe and comfortable online transactions. In the advanced stages, IDEA will continue to collaborate with e-commerce and government actors in creating regulations that benefit all stakeholders.

To achieve this, government support efforts towards the development of e-commerce include the existence of Presidential Regulation No. 74 of 2017 concerning Roadmap of Electronic-Based National Trading System (Road Map e-Commerce). This map aims to encourage the acceleration and development of the electronic-based national trading system (e-Commerce), startup business (startup), business development and accelerated logistics.

IDEA also appreciates the government's support in accelerating healthy growth for Indonesia's e-commerce industry so that it becomes one of the main drivers in the new digital economy in the country. The presence of IDEA 2019 Market is a proof of the significant contribution made by IDEA to support the needs and interests of e-commerce industry players in Indonesia.
With the theme "e-commerce for 100% Indonesia", Pasar IDEA 2019 is present as an e-commerce exhibition with the main focus of strengthening relationships to build trust for industry players with customers. In addition, the IDEA 2019 Market is expected to be able to unite the community, open interaction with the community from various circles and various fields of expertise and present figures from related industries to share experiences and ideas, for the future of Indonesian e-commerce. By 2020, more than half of Indonesia's population is expected to be involved in e-commerce activities.
"The IDEA 2019 market is a momentum for e-commerce industry players to be able to connect in real-time with customers, strengthen relationships to build trust through a variety of attractive activities such as games, talk shows, workshops and loyalty programs, thus creating customer engagements that affect loyalty customers, "said Josept Koko Hardjanto, Chairman of the Market IDEA 2019.

IDEA 2019 Market Exhibition will occupy indoor and outdoor land at JCC Senayan covering an area of ​​17,000 m2 and will display ± 250 exhibitors from e-commerce actors in Indonesia. The IDEA 2019 market will be held for 4 (four) days, presenting multi-industry products, talk shows, and workshops as a market education event, as well as various interesting entertainment as part of the celebration of IDEA's journey in supporting e-commerce in Indonesia

"The exhibition is one of the tools to bring together industry players with loyal customers directly, so that the concept of Market Place transactions that have been online through this time can be present in an offline container. As the first exhibition, our target is not grandiose around 120 thousand visitors can enliven the IDEA 2019 Market, "said Bambang Setiawan, President Director of Traya International Exhibition.

For more information about the IDEA 2019 Market, please visit the