



Step Real Idea Promoting SME Indonesia

On Thursday (31/10) yesterday, officially opened membership Idea for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. Step IDEA is based on the premise that SMEs have a very significant role in the economy of Indonesia, both in the number of business units, employment, and contributing to the gross domestic product (GDP).

Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2012 there were 55.2 million small-to-medium businesses. The whole business of having contributed to the GDP amounted to 57.9 percent and the employment contribution of 97.2 percent. However, IDEA considers that the perpetrators in Indonesia is not yet ready to face the free market era, ASEAN (ASEAN Economy Community / AEC) which will take place one and a half years from now.

One cause of Indonesian SMEs are unprepared because they still do not have a strategy and branding. To that end, the idea of ​​seeing the perpetrators of Indonesian SMEs need to expand their business from traditional media (offline) towards online. Height of Indonesian Internet users today and that will continue to increase every year is a great opportunity for SMEs.

For this reason, IDEA as an e-commerce company associations Indonesia felt responsible to embrace SMEs to join the association. With the merging of the SMEs that have gone online, Idea hope they can promote their business. They will also receive training that includes financial / taxation, marketing, payment / security, and so that will enhance their skills so that they can develop more business.

With berkembanganya SMEs in the online realm, would automatically also a positive impact on e-commerce industry in Indonesia. To realize this step IDEA does not run itself. Ministry of Commerce, KementrianKominfo, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, as well as various private sector relating to e-commerce industry helped provide support in the form of cooperation in the provision of training and seminars for SME development.

So, for colleagues SMEs who want to succeed and prosper in the e-commerce industry, please join Idea!