



Thursday Commerce: How Good Marketing Strategy E-commerce?

Thursday (8/9), located in De Leila, Jakarta, Indonesia Ecommerce Association (IDEA) held an event Thursday to lift Commerce "E-Commerce Marketing Strategies", the theme chosen by observing the movement of e-commerce businesses are increasingly booming, passionate and predicted will be the strength of the digital economy of Indonesia.

Commerce Thursday opened with remarks from Mr. Aulia E. Marinto as Chairman of IDEA's newly elected on 1 September 2016 last. Present as a speaker at the talk show are experienced practitioners in the field such as Edward Kilian (CMO -, Gaery Undarsa (Co-Founder / Managing Director and Oci Ambrosia (Brand Manager The event went very lively guided by moderatorIgnatius Untung (Country GM Indonesia,

The first session of the theme Marketing Spending by Edward Kilian explained several important and interesting things about Go Big Responsibly, which then continued with the presentation of the CEO Atri Xpress is Jerry Tengker who introduced Atri Xpress as a company engaged in the field of freight forwarding and courier xpress.

Furthermore, Co-Founder Gaery Undarsa filled event with an explanation of the process and stages of e-commerce marketing strategies as well as sharing experiences build, "For a good marketing campaign can be started from the research, see opportunities and trends. From the trends we could create a marketing plan that is super effective, "he said.

Additionally, Gaery Undarsa also shared his experience on how to take advantage of a trend in expenditure is also effective. Such as, traffic indicating that the trend is the use of mobile user happens is still greater than the user's desktop. According to him, the keyword of marketing spending is not just on the strength of the budget, but it must be considered an opportunity.

Different from the previous speaker, Oci Ambrosia of bukalapak share experiences on marketing budget in terms of its content beforehand. "If the content is okay for us to create a bigger and we will be spending big, but if the content is quite in digital only we will be targeting in digital," paparnya.Bagi Oci, all sorts of content marketing is derived from knowledge to gain experience and confidence. He added that in accordance with the target marketing content is right, then the trick is in how you share via online (own cookies to be seen how), Oci also presented 15 other tricks adapted by bukalapak.

The enthusiasm of the participants who followed the event can be seen from this vast audience of about 250 people who attended for two hours. Commerce Thursday ended by a shopping voucher to three lucky participants. See you at the next Commerce Thursday!