



G20 Framework Input Network

In India's Presidency at the G20 in 2023, the Directorate of Inter-Regional Negotiations and International Organizations, the Directorate General of International Trade Negotiations, Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, was lined up to become the supporting agency for the Trade and Investment Working Group (TIWG). For this role, the Directorate of Inter-Regional Negotiations and International Organizations held an Input Agenda for Strengthening Indonesia's Trade Priorities Strategy within the G20 Framework in Jogjakarta, last Thursday 9 March.

As the Association that oversees the Digital Industry, idEA was also present at the agenda, represented by Deputy Chairperson Budi Primawan. Given the large contribution of MSMEs to the economy, MSMEs should be the main players in digital trade. Budi conveyed that the challenges for local MSMEs to go digital include access to technology, capital and business management skills. To help business people to be able to move up a class to succeed on the international stage, the state, in this case ministries and institutions, as well as industry players, need to work together and provide support. Through cross-agency collaboration, the target of 30 million MSME onboarding on digital platforms by 2024 will also be achieved.