IP Talks: Intellectual Property-based Shopping and E-Commerce Certification
It cannot be denied, the ease of online trading has opened up the potential circulation of un-original goods. For example, the circulation of fake beauty products that endanger the health of its users. For this reason, on Wednesday, March 9, the Director General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Finance held an IP Talks Seminar, with the theme of Intellectual Property-based Shopping Center and E-Commerce Certification. In his speech, Ir. Razilu, M.Si., CGCAE as Plt. Director General of Intellectual Property firmly stated that digital platforms are also responsible for sellers selling counterfeit products on the platform. Therefore, it urges digital platforms to actively provide education, socialization, and develop complaint service mechanisms against sellers who allegedly sell counterfeit products.
Similar points were also conveyed by the Head of PPGR idEA, Rofi Uddarojat who was present as a panelist at the event. idEA agrees that e-commerce platforms have a responsibility to improve seller and community literacy regarding intellectual property. In an effort to prevent this from happening, digital platforms under the auspices of idEA have provided Online Dispute Resolution or ODR or assistance centers on its applications and websites. On the menu, users can report complaints, including those related to intellectual property. In addition to ODR, digital platforms are also open to requests for take down products that violate IPR. Such requests may be submitted directly to the relevant platform, or through idEA.