



Ignatius Untung, Chairman of Selected Association of E-Commerce Indonesia (idEA) Period 2018-2020

Jakarta, July 2, 2018. The Management of E-Commerce Association of Indonesia (idEA) for the period 2016-2018 led by Aulia E. Marinto as chairman ends with the election of Ignatius Untung as Chairman of idEA period 2018-2020 through Member Conference held on Thursday, June 28, 2018 at Hotel A-One Jakarta. 

Ignatius Untung is currently Country Country Manager He is also active in the Management of the period 2016-2018 and serves as Chairman of the Business and Economy. Untung is a candidate for the candidate of Chairman of IdEA with serial number 1 which gets 70 percent of the votes compared to candidate number 2, namely Muhammad Fajrin, CFO Bukalapak. 

The management of the period 2016-2018 is prepared by Aulia based on the program set forth in Presidential Regulation Number 74 Year 2017 on Road Map of National Electronic Based Trading System 2017-2019 (Road Map E-Commerce). During the two years of stewardship, Aulia's initiative and strategic initiatives focused on:

  • Build and maintain good relations with the Government, especially in guarding the preparation and changes in public policies related to digital economy, especially e-commerce;
  • National socialization and education in the form of capacity building for Small and Medium Enterprises; and
  • Against continuous innovation. 

Departing from the dynamics of the situation, the development of digital economy potential also occurring in Indonesia, during 2016-2018 idEA has expanded the scope of programs and activities that were only concentrated in Jakarta to be national to provinces both provincial and district levels. The spirit of educating and socializing the national idEA program is aimed at stimulating all elements in the ecosystem of e-commerce, ranging from ministries, institutions in central to regional, governors, regents and mayors including the community in order to synergize and take a role to give a real impact on the growth of the digital economy nation. 

"IdEA will continue to design new programs, starting from organizing activities initiated since the previous stewardship, until the effort to continue to be creative and innovate. Therefore, the regeneration of the Chairman and the new stewardship is needed so that idEA can continue to be a strategic partner of stakeholders while able to consistently provide many benefits to the members "said Aulia E. Marinto when submitting his accountability report to the Board of Trustees and the Board of Trustees of IdEA.

Chairman idEA period 2018-2020 elected, expressed his appreciation for the trust that has been given by the members, "quite surprised but also excited, many contributions can be made in the digital economy industry which is currently being the attention of all parties. The short-term program will establish the Board of 2018-2020 periods, details of work plans and introductions to stakeholders such as the Government as well as the Ministries and Institutions will be implemented soon to further understand the concept as well so that the IDEA can address appropriate and relevant issues ". 

Prioritizing the business growth of idEA members and increasing contribution to economic growth are two visions that are promoted by Untung as Chairman of idEA period 2018-2020. Further here are the promised initiatives:

  1. idEA as e-commerce PR & Brand Ambasador;
  2. idEA as e-commerce chamber of commerce;
  3. idEA as knowledge center;
  4. idEA as community pool;
  5. idEA as a driving force of quality workforce
  6. idEA as the principal communicator of government policy 

Entering the fourth period of association management, of course the success that will come can not be separated from the success that has been achieved in the previous period. "I am grateful for the dedication and hard work of the previous committee headed by Aulia E Marinto, so I received a very good staff to follow up" closed the new Chair of IdEA, Ignatius Untung. 

Congratulations to Ignatius Untung, hopefully good hope for idEA can be realized and make idEA progress