



idEA Discuss RPM OTT Service: Impact and Challenges for the Digital World in

One type of internet technology-based service that will be the topic of discussion this time is Over-The-Top Service (or better known as "OTT" abbreviation). The OTT service basically covers everything that is available through the internet, including the content, the application or the service itself (as defined in the report made by the European Regulatory Body for Electronic Communications). The situation associated with OTT Service is not only a challenge for the digital era in Indonesia, but also the challenges that are facing the international world. Based on these matters, the government in this case needs to play a role in establishing the draft regulation (in this case the Minister's regulation draft) to cultivate the OTT Service which benefits all Indonesians.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017 yesterday held at Hotel Morrisey Jakarta, IDEA Board conducts focus group discussion to review the challenges and impacts faced by local business actors related to OTT Service. At the same time, it is also examined in contrast to the OTT Service Rules in the Draft Ministerial Decree which provides equal treatment of all OTT Services both local and foreign.

Present in this discussion are competent speakers in the field of informatics technology. They are Ashwin Sasongko of the IDEA Development Board and the Main Coach of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Research Center (LIPI) and Dr. Ir. Helni M Mutiarsih Jumhur, SH, MH (Cyber ​​Law) who is the Executive Secretary of the Research Center for ICT Public Policy and Business Telkom University.

"Input from the participants of the discussion and discussion of the next steps will be carried out with the enactment of the draft Ministerial Regulation so that things that have not been covered in the draft Ministerial Regulation will be arranged in scientific studies and submitted to the relevant government to be accommodated properly" said Chairman Human Resources, Education and Consumer Protection, idEA Even Alex Chandra.