



idEA Hold FGD on Draft Amendment to Government Regulation No. 82 of 2012

Indonesian E-commerce Association (IDEA) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) at Ashley Hotel, Jakarta on Tuesday (6/11). This group discussion discussed the Draft Amendment to Government Regulation (PP) Number 82 of 2012, which is about System Administrators and Electronic Transactions.

The FGD was attended by around 23 IDEA members, and was hosted by Bima Laga as Chair of the Digital Economy Division. Through this FGD, members of idEA can provide input regarding changes to PP No. 82 of 2012 in terms of their experience and expertise. Subsequently the input obtained in writing or through discussion will be submitted to the government.

In this FGD, there were a number of topics focused on the discussion based on the latest draft draft revision of PP 82/2012 including the criteria for Electronic System Administrators (PSE) for public services, provisions regarding personal data, provisions for right to forget, electronic test systems at PSE, provisions for electronic certification and digital identity, providers of electronic transactions and electronic data classification.