



Harvesting Gernas BBI North Kalimantan

After participating in 7 digital training sessions as a result of the collaboration between idEA, the Provincial Government of North Kalimantan, and Bank Indonesia KPw North Kalimantan as part of the activities of the Proud Made in Indonesia National Movement, finally on Saturday 19 August, 5 MSME Champions were selected which were announced directly at the Harvesting Gernas BBI Kalimantan North.

As the party that initiated the training and business assistance in the Gernas BBI program, idEA is also proud to see the development of MSMEs from before to after participating in the training. Following up on the successes that have been achieved, the Provincial Government of North Kalimantan together with idEA and other stakeholders will continue to strive to increase market access for North Kalimantan's unique products in the digital ecosystem.

We congratulate the SMEs Winners! idEA believes that the strength of Indonesia's digital economy lies in the spirit of MSMEs who want to continue to advance, adapt and innovate in the digital era.