



Kominfo Digital Economic Forum (FEDK) VI

Last Tuesday, October 31, the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information held the VI Digital Economy Forum (FEDK) with the theme "Navigating the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Digital Economy: Position, Limitations and Challenges of the Government's Role", in collaboration with the Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA). FEDK is an agenda for regular meetings between Kominfo and digital ecosystem players in the country. Secretary General of Communications and Information, Mira Tayyiba, in her speech on the agenda, expressed the hope that the FEDK forum could produce follow-up and joint agreements between the government and stakeholders.

On the agenda, which has been routinely implemented since 2021, the General Chair of idEA Bima Laga was appointed to give a speech. Apart from being attended by representatives of idEA members, this agenda was also attended by the President of KORIKA Indonesia, Hammam Riza, as well as representatives of CEOs, founders and top leaders of technology companies in the field of artificial intelligence.