



Policy Discussion with Women's World Banking

Last Thursday, July 13, idEA together with Women's World Banking held a policy discussion agenda or Policy Dialogue, at the Pullman Hotel Jakarta. Apart from idEA and WWB representatives, the agenda also included representatives from various stakeholders such as Bank Indonesia, the Ministry of Communication and Information, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, to the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. The agenda was divided into two sessions, where the first session focused on discussing government and industry policies, targets and achievements, while the second session discussed the practice and implementation of financial inclusion programs for women.

On this occasion, Deputy Chairperson of idEA Ardhanti Nurwidya conveyed the 3 pillars of women's empowerment at idEA, namely inclusivity, capacity building, and partnership with the government (KemenkoPMK, KPPPA, Kemenkop UKM). In addition, idEA is also actively building partnerships with various parties through the MOU, including with KPPPA & UN Women, in order to form synergies with tools owned by the government/other parties in the scope of women's empowerment.