



Internal discussion with Moloco: Maximize Your Marketplace Potential Monetization Through Retail Media 2023

Currently, the Indonesian e-commerce industry is developing very fast. The growth of this industry is very influential in helping MSME entrepreneurs and small and medium industries in their efforts to fight the negative effects of the pandemic on the economy. Digital trade transactions continue to increase, especially local products which have a significant impact on economic growth. In the midst of all the developments and progress, it is necessary to realize that the platform business development also needs attention considering that there are targets that the company also wants to achieve. Especially with the possibility of a world economic recession in the future. There needs to be the right strategy so that the business continues to run and the company's business growth remains on a positive track.

In an internal discussion of idEA members last December 7, idEA members who were present with Moloco discussed solutions and steps that needed to be taken to design a digital business strategy going forward. Moloco provides a solution option in the form of data-driven retail media, which is predicted to be able to provide more monetization to businesses through better and more personalized advertising. By utilizing machine-learning tools, retail media can provide win-win benefits for platforms, shoppers and merchants. For shoppers, for example, the advertising recommendations provided are more relevant, and for merchants, the advertising process becomes automated and easy to use. Facing future economic challenges, media retail that is efficient and designed in an appropriate manner is felt to be one of the solutions.