



IdEA discussion with LKPP

In addition to holding discussions online, the Government Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) also invited the Indonesian E-Commerce Association to attend in person and discuss further. The meeting took place at the LKPP Office, on Thursday, February 10, 2022. From LKPP, abdullah Azwar Anas was present as chairman of LKPP, while idEA was represented by Bima Laga as chairman.

If at the previous meeting idEA and LKPP discussed cooperation opportunities, in this discussion LKPP asked idEA opinion as a representative of Industry players, especially E-Commerce, regarding the mission of LKPP to optimize domestic product spending (PDN) and increase the role of MSMEs in government procurement of goods / services (PBJP). Input from idEA will be a consideration in the creation of the LKPP roadmap. Bima conveyed several crucial issues that must be considered, including infrastructure development, regulation, human resource development, tax system and user journey. According to Bima, user journey is important to note, because no matter how good the system is made if the culprit does not understand and feel complicated, then the system will be abandoned.