



ID-IGF National Dialogue - MSME Empowerment and Digital Economy

The use of technology for business has now become a necessity, but it is certainly a challenge for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Many advantages can be obtained for MSME players if they get digital onboarding, but not all of them are able and ready to face this change. There are still many MSMEs who often experience problems running a business using digital technology. One of the main problems for MSMEs is consumers who are unable to use the internet, as well as a lack of knowledge to run a business online.

For this reason, last Tuesday 22 November, the Internet Governance Forum together with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics held a National Dialogue with the theme "Increasing Community Resilience through Digital Transformation". On this occasion, Budi Primawan as Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA) was present to provide a presentation on the map of digitizing MSMEs in Indonesia, as well as the efforts made by idEA to help accelerate the digitization of MSMEs.

Budi said that every month the number of MSMEs onboard digital platforms continues to grow, which in September 2022 has touched 20 million MSMEs. This figure can be achieved thanks to the cooperation and training provided by various parties. It doesn't stop at training, idEA also provides pre-training assistance and information on programs that businesses can participate in. The hope is that business actors who take part in the training can continue to "grade up" and continue to develop their businesses.