BPS, Coordinating Ministry (Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and idEA Degree Socialization of E-Commerce Data Collection Indonesia
The Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs in cooperation with the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) held Socialization of E-Commerce Data Collection. This activity is also supported by the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Ministry of Commerce, and idEA as the Association of E-Commerce Indonesia.
The purpose of such data collection refers to Presidential Regulation No. 74 of 2017 on the Electronic Map of Electronic System (Road Map E-Commerce) Year 2017-2019, which among others as the appropriate policy mapping by the government related e-commerce industry, accurate on e-commerce activities that led to efforts to encourage the growth of e-commerce Indonesia. Perpres related Road Map e-Commerce is mandated various policies and programs in the field of e-commerce industry to be prepared by the Ministry or related institutions in the formulation of getting input from the business (association) of the industry.
The socialization of e-commerce data collection was held at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta on Friday, December 15, 2017. The event was attended by a number of parties, both from the Ministry and from idEA, namely Mr. Bambang Winarso (Plt. Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs), Mr. Kecuk Suharyanto (Head of BPS), Mr. Rudy Salahuddin (Deputy for the Coordination of Creative Economy and Entrepreneurship of SMEs, Ministry of Economic Affairs), and Mr. Aulia E. Marinto (Chairman of idEA). In addition, the participants of e-commerce activities in Indonesia and idEA members are also present in this event.
Inaugurated by Mr. Bambang Winarso as Plt. Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Bambang Winarso. In his speech, he said "Unavailability of data makes it difficult for the Government to adopt appropriate policies in addressing emerging issues related to the digital economy including e-commerce."
Then the event continued with the main activities, namely the socialization of e-commerce data collection presented directly by Mr. Kecuk Suharyanto (Head of BPS) with the moderator, Mr. Rudy Salahuddin (Deputy of Coordinating Economy for Creative Entrepreneurship and SMEs Competitiveness of UMKM, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs).
Head of BPS, Mr. Kecuk Suharyanto said that in the collection of this data, in accordance with Law Number 16 Year 1997 on Statistics, the data submitted by the respondents is guaranteed confidentiality by the organizer (which in this case is BPS), and the data to be published will be aggregate data. Data will be collected, processed, and analyzed directly by BPS. The publication of the data is targeted to be conducted in February 2018.
In closing the event, Director of Expenditure Accounting, Mr. Puji Agus Kurniawan, S. Si., M.A explains the questionnaire, for the purposes of data collection, which is differentiated by different business models.