



Media Talk

The e-commerce industry continues to attract the attention of the public with all its potential and challenges recently. Various questions continue to come from journalists regarding the ups and downs that have occurred in the main driving industry for Indonesia's digital economy. For this reason, Friday 8 September 2023, idEA in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information held a Media Talk with the theme of the E-Commerce Industry amidst Sociocommerce Issues and Imported Products. Presenting the Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Mr. Usman Kansong, as a resource person, together with the General Chair of idEA Bima Laga and Deputy General Chair of idEA Budi Primawan.

On the agenda which was attended by around 30 journalists from various media, idEA delivered several updates regarding the industry, the definition of PMSE, Marketplace, Social Commerce, and current industry challenges.