



Siding with the Digital Economy for Indonesian Economic Sovereignty

Jakarta, September 6 2018 - Three of the five richest people in the world foster their wealth from the digital economy industry. Even the five most valuable brands in the world, according to Forbes Magazine, are brands that have grown up in the digital economy.

These two facts show how the digital economic industry moves to dominate the world economy. Interestingly, all of that happened only in an extremely fast time. That said, only digital economic products are able to make 50 million consumers choose to use it in a period of no more than four years.

An extreme example, Pokemon-Go only takes 19 days to get 50 million users. Obviously super fast compared to more mature industries such as airline, automotive, telephone, or even television that takes decades to achieve similar numbers.

In the country, it is seen how the "flipping" economy is so instant. The giant taxi company that never imagined would falter, in a matter of less than five years experiencing great turbulence due to the onslaught of online transportation. Online travel companies less than five years old can already match the revenue of offline travel companies in their decades.

The power of the digital economy is also a major driver of the 4.0 industrial revolution that is now starting to be heard. Predicted to be the country with the seventh largest economic power in the world, Indonesia must not neglect big changes in the digital sector. Because, with the largest population no. 4 in the world, Indonesia will become a market one that cannot afford to lose in any business, including the digital economy.

The speed of disruptive power makes us not have much time to think long. "It's a little too late, so foreign digital economy companies can enter us at any time and" colonize "us," said the IdEA Chairperson, Ignatius Untung, in Jakarta, Thursday (5/9).

"And defeat in the digital economy can result in the overall economic defeat. For this reason, alignment with the digital economy must be framed as an effort to realize Indonesia's economic sovereignty, "said Untung.

Untung continued, in the 4th management, the Indonesian e-commerce Association has a vision to accelerate alignments with the digital economy industry. The management of this period will be more comprehensive in encouraging economic sovereignty based on the digital economy, including assisting the government in creating rules and a business climate that supports the growth of the digital economy industry.

"IDEA will actively establish communication and cooperation to embrace the industry affected by the digital economy and who should be able to take advantage of this opportunity to be able to do digital transformation to grow together."

The other step, IDEA also began to work with universities to provide internship opportunities, short course procurement, to design a digital economic curriculum. This activity is carried out to ensure the availability of quality workforce.

Internally, IDEA will also build a portal site that will become a large home for all digital economy workers to be able to connect, interact, share knowledge, and collaborate. This big house is also expected to become a place where all digital economic data includes industrial developments, trends, and various researches can be obtained to encourage desirable development.

Equally important, the new IDEA management also prioritizes improving service standards and protection to win consumer trust and significant business penetration. This is done in line with efforts to educate the public at large about the potential and practice of digital economics through various fixed rubrics in many mass media.

Untung expressed his desire that this management would be the initial foundation for idEA to develop from just an association that houses the e-commerce business, also facilitates all digital economic businesses even outside the e-commerce industry. Call it sharing economy, on demand service, health technology, agriculture, internet of things, games, content, and others.


Broadly speaking, this time management is divided into four main parts; The Government Relations tasked with escorting the government to produce more pro-digital economic policies, the External Relations which become a matchmaker as well as inter-stakeholder collaborator, Internal Relations whose task is to ensure the growth of the quality of e-commerce actors, and Business Development & Supporting Service whose task is to support all activities and the execution of work programs for the other three divisions.