



Discuss Proposed Revision of Government Regulation no. 82 Year 2012, idEA Hold FGD

The Indonesian E-commerce Association (idEA) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Proposed Amendment to Government Regulation No. 82 of 2012 on Electronic System and Transaction (PP 82/2012) in Jakarta on Thursday (19/10).

In this FGD, present several speakers related to the information technology sector, such as Deputy Assistant of Creative Economy Development of Coordinating Ministry of Economy Ibu Mira Tayyiba, Director of E-Business Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) Mr. Azhar Hasyim, Internet and Cyber ​​Experts Security Roadmap E-commerce Coordinating Ministry for Economy Mr Donny BU, and Legal Expert Roadmap E-commerce Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Mrs. Helni Mutiarsih Jumhur.

The FGD was guided by the Chairman of Membership and Organization of IDEA, Mr. Adimarta J Ahmad.

The speakers revealed several matters related to the revision of Government Regulation no. 82/2012. Ibu Mira, for example, said this revision is a form of government openness to technological progress.

Meanwhile, Mr Azhar said the most hot issue of the revision of the 82/2012 PP is indeed an obligation for Electronic Systems Organizer (PSE) to place its data center in Indonesia. This is important to maintain the sovereignty of the state against the data of its citizens.

However, Mr. Azhar stressed the government did not require PSE to carry out the physical construction of data centers in the country.

Mr Azhar added "The important thing is its cloud computing technology here. So we can have his user ID and password. "

Some members of the idEA also submitted input in this FGD. Various inputs are expected to be considered by the government in the revision process of PP No.82 / 2012.