



Association of E-Commerce Indonesia Want to Hear Feedback from SMEs

The E-Commerce Indonesia Association (idEA) once again held Kenduri e-UKM after its success in 11 cities in 2017 namely, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Bandung, Palembang, Surabaya, Medan, Balikpapan, Pontianak, Semarang, Solo and Denpasar which involved more than 2000 people.

Kenduri which means "salvation" or a new spirit which is the basis of a training event or workshop for SMEs in the next 17 cities in 2018 which aims to accelerate the growth of e-commerce in Indonesia as well as hear their feedback about the constraints and expectations that can be voiced by idEA with its stakeholders.

Kenduri 2017 has produced data collected from participants Kenduri E-UKM in 11 cities during the year 2017 is as follows: Based on the above data then idEA need to continue to collect insight and enter from the actors and knot SMEs own and market their own products so that the challenges and opportunities of SMEs should be managed and understood in full so that the nation is able to move quickly and strategically in adopting digital.

idEA Chairman, Aulia E. Marinto, sees the importance of SMEs in the nation's economy. As a country, Indonesia has the task of synergizing the Government where here as the regulator, the business and society, especially the SME actors to be able to formulate a formula of cooperation in leveling the economy of the people and also the income of foreign exchange for the state.

#DaruratUKM is the voice of passion for the nation to get up and catch up soon. The spirit to inspire all elements of the ecommerce ecosystem, from ministries, institutions at central and regional levels, Governors, Regents and Mayors to listen to the voice and initiatives of SMEs conveyed through communities, associations and associations. The spirit for all parties involved and take the role of formulating the grand design UKM goes online which will impact on the growth of SMEs and the nation's economy.

Kenduri e-UKM is also the embryo of idEA in running the National SME Conferences in discussing 3 important issues #DaruratUKM.

idEA collect all the nodes of online national ukm online to formulate the grand design UKM goes online indonesia.

Kenduri e-UKM idEA 2018 will be held in 17 cities covering Bekasi, Malang, Lampung, Batam, Banjarmasin, Tasikmalaya, Pekanbaru, Jambi, Padang, Tangerang, Sidoarjo, Palangkaraya, Manado, Ambon, Pekanbaru, Aceh, and Lombok. And targets to educate 1700 SMEs.